

After performing Abhishek you receive a Shrifal (the sacred coconut) as Prasad. It should be wrapped in red cloth and kept on the right hand inner side of the main door of your house, shop of office. You can keep it for as long as you like. It may be left in running water or a confluence or in the sea if you wish to displace it. This shrifal is extremely sacred and brings profit and well-being. If you do not wish to tie the shrifal it may be broken open and consumed by all family members. If it is gone bad it may be left in running water.


Tuesday or the Mangal day is best for Abhishek so one must perform Abhishek on Tuesday. On other days presence of the priest to perform Abhishek cannot be guaranteed..

An unmarried boy or girl who may want to perform Abhishek may come alone. Family members such as parents brother sister etc. may accompany them. How ever Abhishek will be performed by the girl or boy alone. Others will have to procure a separate receipt for Abhishek. This Abhishek cannot be booked on phone in advance.

People suffering from any disease are free not to observe fast before Abhishek. You may eat before or after Abhishek. Travel only if journey suits you. There is no compulsion regarding the number of times you should came for ‘Darshan’ (to see with open eyes the holy avatar of God) or ‘Abhishek’. The devotees are free to stop at villages on way or may visit their relatives living in nearby villages for food and other requirements.

There is no need to either come directly to the temple for Darshan or to go straight home after Darshan.. In all seasons and months, similarly throughout the year be it new moon, full moon, eclipse, pitripaksha and festivals, Abhisheks are performed every Tuesday – Mangal day without fail. The timing for Darshan stretches from 7 am to 9 pm on all days and from 7 am to 11 pm on Tuesdays. All things required for Abhishek are available in the temple. There is no need to bring anything from home.